Obstetric FAQs


ABC’s of Pregnancy

  Antepartum care is very important. Be sure to see your doctor and get prenatal care as soon as you think you are pregnant. At this time you will be tested for infection, genetic abnormalities and potential problems with the pregnancy. This is the time to discuss diet, exercise, work, and medications. Ask any questions that may concern you. It is important to see your doctor regularly throughout your pregnancy. Avoid exposure to toxic substances and chemicals – such as cleaning solvents, lead and mercury, some insecticides, and paint. Pregnant women should avoid exposure to paint fumes, and fumes that cause you to feel ill, dizzy or faint. Pregnant women should also avoid litterboxes.

B   Breastfeeding is the healthiest choice for both you and your baby. It has many nutritional benefits for the baby and health benefits for the mother. It also creates a very tight and loving bond between the baby and mother. Talk to your doctor, your family and friends, and your employer about how to choose to feed your baby and how they can support you in your decision.

C   Cesarean section should be discussed with your doctor so you are prepared for the possibility if it may be necessary at birth. The pros and cons of Circumcision, if it is a boy, should be discussed with your pediatrician. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy can result in low birth weight babies. It has been associated with infertility, miscarriages, tubal pregnancies, infant mortality (death) and childhood morbidity (poor health). Additionally, cigarette smoking may cause long-term learning disabilities. If you smoke, you should try to quit. Secondary smoke may also harm a mother and her developing baby. It is a good idea to ask people to stop smoking around you during your pregnancy and after the baby is born.

D   A healthy Diet according to your current weight and height, along with vitamins and mineral supplements should be discussed with your caregiver. Domestic abuse and/or violence should be made known to your doctor immediately. Do not take illegal drugs. Illegal drugs can seriously harm the baby and yourself. Drink extra fluids (water is best) throughout pregnancy to help your body keep up with the increases in your blood volume. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water, fruit juice, or milk each day. A good way to know you’re drinking enough fluids is when your urine looks almost like clear water or is very light yellow.

E   Eat healthy to get the nutrients you and our unborn baby need. Your meals should include the five basic food groups. Each day you should get the following: 6-11 servings of grain products, 3-5 servings of vegetables, 2-4 servings of fruits, 4-6 servings of milk and milk products, 3-4 servings of meat and protein foods. Foods low in fat and high in fiber are important to a healthy diet. Exercise, 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise a day, is important and encouraged during pregnancy, if there are no medical problems or problems with the pregnancy.

F   Fetal screening with ultrasound, amniocentesis and monitoring during pregnancy and labor is common and sometimes necessary. Take 400 micrograms of Folic acid daily both before, when possible, and during the first few months of pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects of the brain and spine. All women who could possibly become pregnant should take a vitamin with folic acid, every day. It is also important to eat a healthy diet with fortified foods (enriched grain products, including cereals, rice, breads, and pastas) and foods with natural sources of folate (orange juice, green leafy vegetables, beans, peanuts, broccoli, asparagus, peas, and lentils).

G   Genetic testing should be done appropriately. It is important to know your family history. If there have been problems with pregnancies or birth defects in your family, report these to your doctor. Also, genetic counselors can talk with you about the information you might need in making decisions about having a family. You can call a major medical center in your area for help in finding a board-certified genetic counselor. Genetic testing and counseling should be done before pregnancy when possible especially if there is a history of problems in the mother’s or father’s family. Certain ethnic backgrounds are more at risk for genetic defects.

H   Get familiar with the Hospital where you will be having your baby. Get to know how long it takes to get there, the labor and delivery area, and the hospital procedures. Be sure your medical insurance is accepted there. Get your home ready for the baby including, clothes, the baby’s room (when possible), furniture and a carriage or stroller. Hand-washing is important throughout the day, especially after handling raw meat and poultry, changing the baby’s diaper or using the bathroom. This can help prevent the spread of many germs (bacteria) and viruses that cause infection.

I   Insurance to cover you, the baby, doctor and hospital should be reviewed so that you will be prepared to pay any costs not covered by your insurance plan. If you do not have medical insurance, there are usually clinics and services available for you in your community. Take 30 milligrams of Iron during your pregnancy as prescribed by your doctor to reduce the risk of low red blood cells (anemia) later in pregnancy. All women of childbearing age should eat a diet rich in iron.

J   There should be a joint effort for the mother, father and any other children to adapt to the pregnancy financially, emotionally and psychologically during the pregnancy. Join a support group for moms to be. Or join a class on parenting or childbirth. Have the family participate when possible.

K  Know your limits. Let your caregiver know if you experience any of the following:

Pain of any kind.

Strong cramps.

You develop a lot of weight in a short period of time (5 pounds in 3 to 5 days).

Vaginal bleeding, leaking of amniotic fluid.

Headache, vision problems.

Dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath.

Chest pain.

Fever of 100° F (37.8° C) or higher.

Gush of clear fluid from your vagina.

Painful urination.

Palpitations (irregular heart).

Tachycardia (rapid beating of the heart).

Constant nausea (feeling sick to your stomach) or vomiting.

Trouble walking, edema (fluid retention).

Muscle weakness.

If your baby has decreased activity.

Persistent diarrhea.

Abnormal vaginal discharge.

Uterine contractions at 20-minute intervals.

Back pain that travels down your leg.

L   Learn and practice that what you eat and drink should be in moderation and healthy for you and your baby. Legal drugs such as alcohol and caffeine are important issues for pregnant women. There is a no safe amount of alcohol a woman can drink while pregnant. Fetal alcohol syndrome, a disorder characterized by growth retardation, facial abnormalities, and central nervous system dysfunction, is caused by a woman’s use of alcohol during pregnancy. Caffeine, found in tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate, should be limited. Be sure to read labels when trying to cut down on caffeine during pregnancy. More than 200 foods, beverages, and over-the-counter medications contain caffeine and high salt content!

M   Medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, and high blood pressure should be treated and kept under control before pregnancy when possible but especially during pregnancy. Ask your caregiver about any medications that may need to be changed or adjusted during pregnancy. If you are currently taking any medications ask your caregiver if it is safe to take them while you are pregnant. Also, be sure to discuss any herbs or vitamins you are taking. They are medicines, too! Discuss with your doctor all medications, prescribed and over-the-counter, that you are taking. During the prenatal visit, discuss the medications your doctor may give you during labor and delivery.

N   Never be afraid to ask your doctor or health care provider questions about your health, the process of pregnancy, family problems, stressful situations, and recommendation for a pediatrician, if you do not have one. It is better to take all precautions and discuss any questions or concerns you may have during your office visits. It is a good idea to write down your questions before you visit the doctor.

O   Over-the-counter cough and cold remedies may contain alcohol or other ingredients that should be avoided during pregnancy. Ask your health care provider about prescription, herbs or over-the-counter medications that you are taking or may consider taking while pregnant.

  Physical activity during pregnancy can benefit both you and your baby by lessening discomfort and fatigue providing a sense of well-being, and increasing the likelihood of early recovery after delivery. Light to moderate exercise during pregnancy strengthens the belly (abdominal) and back muscles. This helps improve posture. Practicing yoga, walking, swimming, and cycling on a stationary bicycle are usually safe exercises for pregnant women. Avoid scuba diving, exercise at high altitudes (over 3000 feet), skiing, horseback riding, contact sports, etc. But always check with your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise, especially during pregnancy.

Q   Queasiness, upset stomach and morning sickness are common during pregnancy. Eating a couple of crackers or dry toast before getting out of bed usually helps. Foods that you normally love may make you feel sick to your stomach. You may need to substitute other nutritious foods. Eating five or six small meals a day instead of three large ones may make you feel better. Do not drink with your meals, drink between meals. Questions that you have should be written down and asked during your prenatal visits.

R   Read about and make plans to baby-proof your home. There are important tips for making your home a safer environment for your baby. Review the tips and make your home safer for you and your baby.

S   Saunas, hot tubs, and steam rooms should be avoided while you are pregnant. Excessive high heat may be harmful during your pregnancy. Your caregiver will screen and examine you for sexually transmitted diseases and genetic disorders during your prenatal visits.

T   Traveling long distances should be avoided especially in the third trimester of your pregnancy. If you do have to travel out of state, be sure to take a copy of your medical records and medical insurance plan with you. You should not travel long distances without seeing your doctor first. Most airlines will not allow you to travel after 36 weeks of pregnancy. Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite that can seriously harm an unborn baby. Avoid eating undercooked meat and handling cat litter. Be sure to wear gloves when gardening.

U   Uterus (womb) size increases during the first trimester. Your kidneys will begin to function more effectively. This may cause you to feel the need to urinate more often. You may also leak urine when sneezing, coughing or laughing. This is due to the growing uterus pressing against your bladder, which lies directly in front of and slightly under the uterus during the first few months of pregnancy. If you experience burning along with frequency of urination or bloody urine, be sure to tell your doctor. The size of your uterus in the third trimester may cause a problem with your balance. It is advisable to avoid wearing high heals during this time. Ultrasound of your baby may be necessary during your pregnancy. Ultrasound is safe for you and your baby.

V   Vaccinations are an important concern for pregnant women. Get needed vaccines before pregnancy. Center for Disease Control (www.cdc.gov) has clear guidelines for the use of vaccines during pregnancy. Review the list and be sure to discuss it with your doctor. Prenatal Vitamins are helpful and healthy for you and the baby. Continuous vomiting should be reported to your caregiver.

W   Being overweight or underweight during pregnancy may cause problems. Try to get within 15 pounds of your ideal Weight before pregnancy. Remember, pregnancy is not a time to be dieting! Do not stop eating or start skipping meals as your weight increases. Both you and your baby need the calories and nutrition you receive from a healthy diet. Be sure to consult with your doctor about your diet. There is a formula and diet plan available depending on whether you are over weight or underweight. Your caregiver or diet counselor can help and advise you if necessary.

X   Avoid X-rays. If you must have dental work or diagnostic tests, tell your dentist or physician that you are pregnant so that extra care can be taken. X-rays should only be taken when the risk of not taking them outweigh the risk of taking them. If needed, only the minimum amount of radiation should be used.

Y   Your baby loves you, and you should show your baby you love them, too. Breastfeeding your baby creates a loving and very close bond between the two of you. Give your baby a healthy environment to live in while you are pregnant. Infants and children require constant care and guidance. Their health and safety should be carefully watched at all times.

Z   Get your ZZZZZ’s. Be sure to get plenty of rest. Resting on your side as often as possible, especially on your left side is advised. It provides the best circulation to your baby and helps reduce swelling. Try taking a nap for thirty or forty five minutes in the afternoon when possible. Try elevating your feet for that amount of time when possible. It helps the circulation in your legs and helps reduce swelling.

Most information courtesy of the CDC.

Document Released: 10/14/2008 Document Re-Released: 03/26/2009

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