Breastfeeding and Its Many Benefits


August is National Breastfeeding Month. It is a time to recognize the miraculous ability to create life-sustaining nutrition for our young. The month is dedicated to advancing the nation’s health by working together to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding. But why is breastfeeding so important? Continue reading to learn about the many benefits breastfeeding has on both the baby and the nursing mother.


On the outside, breastfeeding may seem like just another way to keep a baby fed, but a deeper look uncovers many more benefits. Did you know that breastmilk evolves to meet the baby’s nutritional needs? From colostrum – the first milk produced by a new mother’s mammary glands – to transitional and mature milk, this “liquid gold” is ever-evolving to ensure the child receives the ideal amount of nutrients, antibodies, and vitamins. Breastfed babies tend to boast:


The perks of breastfeeding don’t stop with babies. Continued benefits have been proven in children who are breastfed including:


With all the hard work of producing milk and feeding the baby that falls on the mother, it is nice to know there are benefits of breastfeeding for the mother too. Some of those benefits are:


It’s clear to see that breastfeeding has countless advantages, but it is important to recognize that many women struggle with breastfeeding. No matter how much effort someone may put in, sometimes nature has other plans. Thankfully there are many great nutritional support options available today for families who may choose or may be unable to breastfeed. At the end of the day, a fed baby is a happy baby.

*Source Cleveland Clinic

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