Pregnancy Pulse – Beat the Heat

Beat the Heat

Summer is in full swing, and the high-heat temps are showing us that the warmth of the season is here to stay. While this time of year presents many opportunities for enjoying the outdoors, that may not be the safest choice for pregnant women. If you are expecting, take note of these symptoms and follow our tips so you can be sure to stay safe in the summer swelter.

Did You Know?

Did you know that pregnancy makes you more vulnerable to extreme heat? When you are expecting, your risks of overheating increase leaving you at potential risk of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, dehydration, and even heat stroke. How do you know if you are experiencing any of these concerns?

Heat-Induced Conditions

Heat Cramps - Unpleasant and uncontrolled muscle spasms, usually in the arms, calves, and stomach

Heat Exhaustion - Fatigue, nausea, muscle cramps, headache, fast breathing & pulse, elevated body temperature

Dehydration - Dry mouth & throat, headache, less urination, dark-colored urine, lack of sweat even in hot temperatures, feeling lightheaded & dizzy, confusion, racing heart rate

Heat Stroke - Body temperature 104F+, confusion, delirium, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting, irritability, rapid breathing, racing heart rate

Tips to Treat

Beat the Heat

The best way to beat the heat is to be prepared. If you have a hot outing planned, be sure to hydrate in advance, have access to plenty of fluids, know where you can seek shade or air conditioning, and listen to your body. Summertime is full of memory-making events. Get out there and – safely – create some of your own!

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